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Customer Testimonials
See what clients from across the nation were saying about Froggy's Fog at LDI 2011...

Froggy's Flakes Testimonial

Froggy's Flakes Testimonial
A phenomenal snow fluid solution, no cruddy goop as with cheap or OEM products.


Theatrical Lighting and Production Testimonial
We order a pallet at a time, ordering the 55 gallon drums makes it so much simpler and cost effective. A popular product that is really taking off is the QuikBlast Fluid, you can get a CO2 effect with a fogger and not have to lug around a heavy tank at events.

Distributor Testimonial

Distributor Testimonial
As a supplier it's about price point; with Froggy's you can make a great margin. Froggy's Fog can usually drop ship the same day and they can normally turn around your customers' orders in less than 24 hours, other manufacturers can take up to two days just to prepare large pallets.

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